How To Add A Legal Second Suite In Barrie

 In Investing Information

First off you may be wondering what exactly a ‘Second Suite’ is, so here is the definition put forth by The City of Barrie: “Second suites are self-contained units with a kitchen and bathroom within homes or converted detached garages. They are often used as a rental property and must be registered with the City. Living in a second suite is an attractive and affordable housing option for many residents.”

Once you know that a second suite is something you would like to add, here are the steps you must take in order to receive a permit from the City for your second suite.

First, you need to find out if the suite was built prior to 1996. If so you must contact 705-739-4242 or for them to review and provide you with the next steps and cost. If your second suite was built after 1996 or is yet to be built here are the steps you must take:

  1. Call Service Barrie at 705-739-4242 to confirm a second suite is a permitted use on your property. If permitted proceed to next steps. Note: second suites are not permitted in the Georgian College area. Please map below for specific area in Barrie where they are not permitted.
  2. Complete the Building Permit Application re any modifications (if applicable).
  3. Complete the Schedule 1: Designer Information re any modifications (if applicable).
  4. Complete the Property Owner Consent Letter if you are applying on behalf of the property owner.
  5. Ensure you have all documentation listed in the Two-Unit Building Application Checklist.
  6. Take all listed applications and documentation to Service Barrie (1st floor, 70 Collier Street) for submission during business hours: 8:30–4:30, Monday–Friday.

There is also a way to put your application on a fast track. If you application meets the fast track submission checklist requirements, you may qualify for a quick review. Visit the City of Barrie’s website to find the fast track documents.

Once your application has been reviewed and your permit has been issued you can begin construction, ensuring that you call for the required inspections as noted in your permit documents. After all of the required inspections have been completed you will receive a certification of registration.

Funding For A Secondary Suite in Barrie

One added benefit of building a secondary suite in Barrie is that the City of Barrie offers funding! There is a program called ‘The Secondary Suites Program’ which provides funding of up to $30,000 per unit for the creation of a secondary or garden suite. They have implemented this program as a way to increase the supply of affordable housing.​​

Note: Application intake for the Secondary Suites Program is year round. Funding is limited, but is currently available for eligible applications.

If you have any questions on adding a secondary suite feel free to reach out to our team at any time! Call Matthew 705-739-3432 or Domenic 249-877-7785 for more information and advice on adding a second suite to your home or investment property.

Secondary Suites Restriction Area

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Barrie InvestingMatthew & Domenic from the Team